One Ring to Rule Them All!

On this episode, Pr. Kerns and Pr. Ockree listen to the most worn out analogy of all time-the wedding ring. It’s used over and over again to explain Holy Baptism. Take a listen and see what you think.

“Yeah Baby!”–Our second pass at Holy Baptism

Something is very odd at the Revolution Church in Crossville, TN. Pr. Kerns and Pr. Ockree listen to a sermon delivered there on the subject of Holy Baptism. Listen for yourself and see if it’s, “Amen” or, “O my.”

Our first pass at Holy Baptism

Why is baptism holy? Because God is the One doing the baptizing. Listen in on Pr. Kerns and Pr. Ockree of Calvary Lutheran in Topeka, KS as they comment and discuss a sermon delivered by Tim Hughes of Grace Point Church of Topeka.

Solid Teaching on the Sacrament of the Altar, pt. 2

Pr. Bruss and Pr. Kerns are at it again, this time going over the sedes doctrinae (Ln. seat of doctrine) for the Lord’s Supper in Luke 22:15-20. Pr. Bruss even sings one of his favorite hymns.

Solid Teaching on the Sacrament of the Altar, pt. 1

Pr. Bruss and Pr. Kerns don’t waste any time listening to the sacramentarians. They get straight to the text of Scripture without either one getting a migraine.